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Sweden use kids for evil goals

This video is in Persian language

Sweden singles out the Iranian occupying regime for using children against Israeli targets and security.
That the regime that has occupied Iran is an evil regime that follows satan's will. But this does not mean that Sweden, the Swedish people and the Swedish system are pure and innocent.
The Swedish people for several years have managed to deceive the outside world by wearing democratic, humanist masks on their evil faces. Swedes are evil people, but they are not visible because Sweden is in Europe, the Swedish people are blonde, they are not Muslims and besides, these mentioned masks are on their faces.
Throughout history, the Swedes have shown their hatred towards other people from other ethnicities and nations, especially the Jews by, for example, collaborating with Hitler, supporting terrorist groups and terrorist networks and dictatorship regimes.
Kidnapping children was an ugly and dirty act that was denied by people or politicians throughout history.
Mafia groups and criminals kidnapped children because if the family was rich, they should pay the groups or if they were not rich, they killed the child and dismembered the child, then sold the child's parts for medical research.
Throughout history, the Ottoman Empire had kidnapped Christian children, trained them to become Muslim mercenaries (so-called janissaries) in order to use them as butchers when the Ottoman Empire attacked other Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
Hitler also kidnapped quite a few children. Those who had good genes and were strong and healthy were used to Germanize these children to use these children as soldiers.
Sweden is a fascist country where the system is corrupt and it doesn't matter which party or political group rules the country because the people have racist and anti-Semitic thoughts.
In the Swedish schools, hatred against Jews is spread directly and indirectly.
In Swedish schools it is spread that Swedes are the best and as immigrants you must learn to be slaves to the Swedes in order to develop and move on in life.
If you feel that you are independent, a human being, someone who has talent, knowledge and fortune to be able to develop, then Swedes will put obstacles, sanctions and break you so that you will not be able to stand on your feet again.
If the Swedes notice that an immigrant family has managed to develop and succeed in life, then the Swedes start creating problems for you.
In recent years, Sweden has begun to exploit and hide behind the international laws that would protect children in the world and kidnap children from immigrant families.
In that way, families who cannot have children can satisfy their needs and satisfy their complexes and shortcomings.
In addition, Swedes can save money. Adopting children from Asia and Africa can cost the Swedish adoptive family and Swedish society very dearly, but kidnapping immigrant families not so much. In addition, no one should have an ear to hear these families or believe in these families, taking into account that Sweden is a democratic child-friendly humanitarian country.
If a family resists the kidnapping of their child then they are punished and the Swedes create scenarios and create falsified evidence and cases and cut off contact with the kidnapped child. Lie to the child that your parents neither love you nor want you.
Children who have been kidnapped and have lost their parents' arms and love are damaged with psychological problems. Grows up with hatred and psychological complexes that later want revenge from that society.
The first children see is the hatred of the West and Israel which has its connection with the Westerners.
Therefore, when they grow up, they join criminal gangs, create their own illegal gangs to create problems for Swedish society. Or joins the terrorist groups because they believe that if they harm Israel, then they harm the Swedes and the West. There are other groups of these children who become depressed and commit suicide
Sweden commits crimes against humanity in this way and exterminates races in this way and this is called incitement against a ethnic group.
These children who have grown up can be exploited by groups such as the occupying regime of Iran.
Since the 1979 revolution in Iran where terrorists have taken over the government in Iran, Sweden and many European countries cooperated with the occupying power.
In Sweden, you can develop yourself again
- You do not have a connection to one of the Swedish political parties
- If you belong to a terror network
- Or if you have a connection to the occupying regime of Iran
Then you can become rich, have a luxurious life, take high office in an authority or private company and even you can climb high in education and can teach in a school or a university or become a principal there.
Even you can get your examination in medicine specialist doctor or doctoral student in a subject that you wish.
That Johan Floderus has spied and committed crimes against the Iranian nation and should be executed. But the occupying regime that has captured the Iranian people and always ignores the will of the people.
In my eyes, Jews are smart people who through history have learned to protect themselves, their family, surroundings, and other Jews.
The fact that the Europeans as Swedes keep their humanitarian and human rights today and cannot publicly commit human crimes is thanks to the existence of Israel and the Jewish people.
The Europeans, especially the Swedes, have always been Nazis and hated all nations but their own in the first place and Scandinavian people in the second place.
The Swedes have cooperated and done business with Hitler's Nazi Germany. Sold ore and other equipment to the Nazi arms industry and received Jewish assets that the Nazis have forcibly taken from the poor Jewish people.
The Swedes have also participated in the Nazis and done their military service in the Nazi army.
If the Germans have been Nazis for a while, but then have repented and changed their morals and attitudes, but the Swedes will always keep their Nazi, fascist and racist morals with a hard skin.
That Sweden has singled out the regime occupying Iran to exploit children sounds like a joke to me.
Iranian regime and the regime that has captured Iranian citizens. The Iranian regime is neither Iranian, Islamic, Shiite, nor a republic. But is a satanic government that shows no regard for humanity, children, adults or animals and I say that without a doubt.
But Sweden is not a better country either. Sweden also allows children and young people to create problems for families where they have in their goal to create anxiety.
This means that a child can film you, spy on you and your family or suddenly try to scream for help and point you or your family out without you having touched the child. Then the Swedish police, who usually always come after at least 1 hour, come after 5 minutes and create a circus for you that can be delayed and extended for several years.
In addition, Swedish municipalities have also employed alcoholics and drug addicts to work as witnesses where needed. These drug addicts and alcoholics can play the role of an ordinary pedestrian and can accept the child's words and stand in testimony and in a court the testimony of these people can be accepted by the Swedish courts even if these addicts are not in a clear state.
But children learn from an early age to be able to spy and therefore I say with certainty that Johan Floderus is a spy against the security of the Iranian nation and should be executed.
The Swedes always want to stick their noses into families that have a foreign background and create problems for these families, in order to have legal reasons for the world and the United Nations to kidnap these foreign children.
It is a shame for the United Nations and independent and other humanitarian organizations that do not want to interview these children and allow Sweden to continue with their evil crimes against children and young people.
The system in Sweden, like other Western European countries, distributes child allowance to all children who have been registered in Swedish municipalities. According to the law, this contribution must be used to benefit the child's needs. According to the international values, these families who have low income or no income must use this money for the child's welfare and for their benefit.
Despite the fact that this child support which is 100$ per month which would be help for the children's needs is counted as income for the family and deducted from the family's livelihood.
Despite this, the schools teach children and young people that it is your own contribution and if your family is going to use this for something else then you can report this to us. There are many foreign children who are deceived by this and have reported their family to the Swedish authorities.
In Sweden if you resist Israel and support Palestine then you get all the help and money. The Swedes don't do this because they love Palestine and Palestinians.
The Swedes do this because they hate Jews and are anti-Semitic.
The Swedes and other European countries are aware that if they want to purge Muslims, it is easier than to purge Jews. Among the Muslims there are many traitors like the regime in Iran which has permission, green light and open hands to kill the people, destroy the country and steal the assets and wealth of the Muslims to deposit in the European banks.
Unfortunately many people with a foreign background sweeten themselves and play monkey and clown themselves for the Swedes and help the Swedes to destroy and scatter the lives of many foreign families.
These people mostly come from the former Yugoslavia, left-wing activists and communists and anti-monarchists and those who are supporters of parties that want a republic in Iran and not least fundamental Muslims.
You cannot believe if I say that many who support ISIS teach the youth in schools and are in the Swedish parliament "Riksdag"
the world cannot calm down until their country is bombed, their interests and assets are blocked by the world and they are sanctioned to travel to other countries. Deport Swedes from your countries.
A real sanction can break their pride.
Swedes should know that it is not only Swedes who are specially created people on earth and can create problems for other people.
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