The Romanov Royal Family
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>>>> Part one <<<<
Everyone knows about the communist revolution that won on October 17, 1917 in Russia, when the Tsar's family was executed when the Russians' pride was buried in connection with the revolution.
There have been many different stories about the execution of the Tsar and which of the family members were allowed to live after the executions.
But what is the reality?
There have been many tales and stories about what has happened after the execution of the Tsar's family where the most famous was Anna Anderson. Walt Disney has also made many cartoons and films about Princess Her Majesty Anastasia Romanova.
The reality that has become DNA proven is that Her Majesty Princess Anastasia has told before her death about her life and her story to her son and her granddaughter (eldest daughter).
Now by assignment and permission from the family, I will tell how had gone with the real story of Her Majesty Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov.
During the execution of the martyred king his majesty Nikolai II and his wife Alexandra of Hesse and their three daughters Grand Duchess Maria, Grand Duchess Olga and Grand Duchess Tatiana, when the soldiers felt sorry for the execution of Grand Duchess Princess Anastasia and Crown Prince Alexei Nikolayevich Romanov. Therefore, one of the soldiers let these royal children flee and leave the country as long as they will never be seen in Russia.
>>>> Part one <<<<
Everyone knows about the communist revolution that won on October 17, 1917 in Russia, when the Tsar's family was executed when the Russians' pride was buried in connection with the revolution.
>>>> Part two <<<<
>>>> Part theree <<<<
>>>> Part four <<<<
>>>> Part four <<<<
Continuation will follow soon
>>>> Part one <<<<
Everyone knows about the communist revolution that won on October 17, 1917 in Russia, when the Tsar's family was executed when the Russians' pride was buried in connection with the revolution.
There have been many different stories about the execution of the Tsar and which of the family members were allowed to live after the executions.
But what is the reality?
There have been many tales and stories about what has happened after the execution of the Tsar's family where the most famous was Anna Anderson. Walt Disney has also made many cartoons and films about Princess Her Majesty Anastasia Romanova.
The reality that has become DNA proven is that Her Majesty Princess Anastasia has told before her death about her life and her story to her son and her granddaughter (eldest daughter).
Now by assignment and permission from the family, I will tell how had gone with the real story of Her Majesty Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov.
During the execution of the martyred king his majesty Nikolai II and his wife Alexandra of Hesse and their three daughters Grand Duchess Maria, Grand Duchess Olga and Grand Duchess Tatiana, when the soldiers felt sorry for the execution of Grand Duchess Princess Anastasia and Crown Prince Alexei Nikolayevich Romanov. Therefore, one of the soldiers let these royal children flee and leave the country as long as they will never be seen in Russia.
>>>> Part two <<<<
imagine that a 17-year-old girl, when she had joy, love and warmth from the family, loved ones, holds her little brother in her hand and runs in the dark forest for their lives, while she heard gunshots from the building where her parents and sisters have been imprisoned and executed.
She runs for her life, at the same time as she felt hatred in her heart from those who execute the family. Now she and her little hemophilia brother have been given the responsibility to keep the dynasty alive.
They ran towards a cart where a close friend and young soldier was waiting for the family and waiting for these little children. The soldier's name was Dimitrij Nikolaj and he was the one who would protect the children and drive them to a certain safe area.
When the children sat on the cart when the soldier Dimitrij drove the child south from shortcuts to hide the children from the Red Army.
After they came to the Caspian Sea, the children were handed over to a boat to drive these children to strange places, where the children's father had once taken a large part of the cities from that country. The country is called Iran when it recently had a new dynasty and a new king, namely Reza Shah the Great who founded the Pahlavi dynasty.
Reza Shah was a man even though he has been a tough military man and worked as a Cossack soldier during the failed Qajar dynasty and managed to dismiss it and create a new chapter for Iran.
Reza Shah was a king who succeeded in developing Iran and creating new reformations in the country.
Reza shah had smart and knowledgeable advisors with i.a. Seyyed Zia ol din Tabatabaee, Dr. Mohammad Ali Foroughi and Sir Ardeshir Ji Reporter who helped Reza shah for modernity in Iran.
When the boat reached the Iranian border, the children were taken by Dr. Mohammad Ali Foroughi and a new chapter was started in the lives of the Russian Crown Prince Alexei Nikolaev Romanov and the Princess Princess Anastasia Nikolaeva Romanova.
>>>> Part theree <<<<
Princess Anastasia, lived in the palace of the royal Pahlavi family and was treated like a princess.
When World War II broke out, northern Iran was occupied by the Soviet Union and southern Iran by Great Britain, forcing Reza Shah to resign.
Therefore, before Reza Shah would have left Iran, then fixed a false act, then her name was Shokufeh Gharakazemi and she was moved to Abhar, a city near Qazvin to live in the safety of Soviet communist soldiers.
Princess Anastasia, after several years, met Nikolai Dimitrij (when he managed to get to Iran and was named Eynollah) again and married each other.
The result of this marriage was a son (named Nikolai III) in Iran named Mohammad Hosein.
Eventually, the KGB found out that Princess Anastasia was alive and where she was. Therefore, on several occasions tried to visit her and want to return her back to the Soviet Union, but eventually she took her son and fled from Abhar and settled in Tehran to be able to protect herself and her son.
The child grew up and was allowed to participate in the military in Iran, when he received the scholarship to study in England and returned to serve the country.
During the Cold War, it was a big taboo in Iran, among other places, when you would state that you have a Russian background, but take into account that you would be perceived as a spy or agent of the Soviet Union and the KGB. Therefore, Princess Anastasia and Prince Nikolai tried to hide their identities, given that he had a sensitive job as a military man.
Prince Nikolai succeeded in reaching the top rank of the Iranian Air Force.
Prince Nikolai had a good friend from a rich family, when the friend suggested that Prince Nikolai should marry his sister. When Prince Nikolai married and had their first child, a boy named Mehran who died a few months later in Abhar, therefore the prince never wanted to visit his hometown Abhar again.
>>>> Part four <<<<
Who was Dmitry Nikolai Nalbandian?
Everyone knows Princess Anastasia, but who was Dmitry Nalbandian?
The soldier who was born in 1883 died in 1975 of a Jewish Russian mother and an Armenian Russian father and belonged to the so-called "Caspian Brigade" which was the tsar's family's own military as it was called "Лейб гвардия Leyb gvardiya", as they were to protect the family in war or revolution which most of them have later formed the White Army, "Белая Гвардия Belaya Gvardiya" with the main leaders "Lavr Kornilov, Alexander Kolchak, and Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky".
Dmitry was one of the chosen ones of the Tsar and had a great influence within the Tsar's family.
According to the family's own story that Dmitrij and Princess Anastasia later married was due to the fact that one of Dmitrij's closest friends died in the war, when Dmitrij took care of his friend's family for several years until the child Vasily grew up.>>>> Part four <<<<
Continuation will follow soon