Swedes evil people

Swedes are Fascists
Blood drips from the Swedes' hands
The kidnapping of children who have an immigrant background or who have a Muslim background is neither a myth, a lie, nor a conspiracy theory.
It is a reality that has started invisible since 2014 in connection with Stefan Löfven from the socialist bloc taking power in Sweden and continues harder and more visible during the period of the little "short elf" Kristersson.
Don't think that it is only the little half-man that is the cause. His government, parties that have made a coalition with him and the majority of Swedes have a sadism mixed with fascism in their heart.
The Swedes have always been fascists and inhumane throughout history, but they had a beautiful mask over their evil face so that through the name of democracy they can carry out their diabolical and satanic mission,
Also symbolically in the book of Revelation, Sweden is mentioned in chapter 12 as the woman and the dragon and in chapter 13 as the red beast that gives its power to the black beast which is indicative of the secret collaboration between Sweden and terrorists.
During the Second World War, the Swedes collaborated with Hitler and many Swedes were enrolled in Nazi Germany's army against poor Jews. But today they are with all terrorist networks.
Just like the occupying regime in Iran, the Swedes get involved in the domestic situation of all countries and try to create problems in all countries, because their existence and life depends on this.
You can see Swedish involvement with separatist movements, to war between the countries, to war and the destruction of Ukraine and recent events in Gaza.
All dangerous groups in the world have their base here in Sweden in the form of associations that the Swedish state supports and they have a representative in the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag, which is reminiscent of the Nazis' Reichstag.
It is not a matter of pride to have Swedish citizenship or a Swedish passport.
The Swedish passport today stands for terrorism and barbarism.
I want the Swedes to mention a food culture disregarding meatballs and kebabs which are Turkish-Persian, pancakes which are English, ham which is French and American, falafel which is Arabic.
The Swedes have nothing to be proud of but snus, which is originally French.
In reality, Sweden indirectly has its hands up in the blood of both the Palestinians and Israel.
A week before, the Swedes planned to set off fireworks in Israel and said they wanted to celebrate the New Year in October this year.
No one asks how these weapons sent from Sweden went through Ukraine to Iran and from there to Gaza to create carnage in Israel and make life difficult for poor Palestinians.
Now the Swedes have planned and trained warriors who speak Russian with a Russian dialect to create unrest and civil war in Russia.
The Swedes are the world's biggest and only hypocrites that the occupying regime in Iran resembles them. The difference between the regime in Iran and Swedes is only their clothing.
The outside world still believes an old view of Sweden, but people are dreaming.
Time for the outside world to wake up and try to stop Sweden before they create more murders and carnage. Every Swedish individual should be put on trial and answer for their meanness and evil in the world.